Sheri Berman

Sheri Berman

Professor of Political Science


Political Science

Office Hours

Milstein 1117


Comparative Politics

Sheri Berman is a professor of Political Science at Barnard College, Columbia University.  Her research interests include European history and politics; the development of democracy; populism and fascism; and the history of the left.  She has written about these topics for a wide variety of scholarly and non-scholarly publications, including the New York Times, The Washington Post, Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs, and VOX.  She currently serves on the boards of the Journal of Democracy, Dissent and Political Science Quarterly.  Her most recent book, Democracy and Dictatorship in Europe: From the Ancien Regime to the Present Day, was published by Oxford University Press in 2019. 

  • M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University, Government
  • B.A., Yale University, Political Science (magna cum laude; Distinction in the Major)

  • Comparative political development
  • European politics and political history
  • Democracy and democratization
  • Globalization
  • The history of the Left

  • POLS V 3401 Democracy & Dictatorship in Europe
  • Cross-listed by the European Studies and the Human Rights Programs
  • POLS BC 3505 Colloquium on Making Democracy Work
  • Cross-listed by the European Studies and the Human Rights Programs
  • POLS BC 3761 Senior Research Seminar in Comparative Politics
  • POLS G 8431 European Domestic Political Development (CU graduate course)
  • POLS G 8493 Political Development (CU graduate course)

Why Democracies Fail--and That's OK (

Interview about how to think about new democracies (


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