Political Theory
Dennis Gilmore Dalton taught at Barnard College from fall 1969 through spring 2008. The Barnard Magazine interviewed him for its Spring 2008 issue, see the article "Pillar and Passion for Political Theory."
Public Forum on Political Theory and Film, Fall 2004
- Ph.D., University of London
- M.A., University of Chicago
- B.A., Rutgers University
- Political theory
- Political thought in South Asia
- Nonviolence and violence in society
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- POLS BC 1013 Political Theory I (Classical)
- POLS BC 1014 Political Theory II (Modern)
- POLS BC 3007 Modern Political Movements
- POLS BC 3423y Colloquium on Nonviolence
- POLS BC 3761-62 Senior Research Seminar in Political Theory
- FSM BC 1206 First-Year Seminar on Violence & Nonviolence
- Senior Fulbright Scholarship for Research and Teaching in Nepal, 1994-95
- Ann Whitney Olin Senior Award for Teaching and Research, 1989-94
- Emily Gregory Award for Distinguished Teaching, Barnard College, 1978
- American Council of Learned Societies grant for research in South Africa, August 1975
- American Philosophical Institute grant for research in India, January-July 1975
- American Council of Learned Societies grant for research at the India Office Library, London, England, June-August 1972
Mahatma Gandhi: Nonviolent Power in Action
Columbia University Press, 1993
Indian Idea of Freedom: Political Thought of Swami Vivekananda, Aurobindo Ghose, Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore
The Academic Press, 1982
Nonviolent Power in Action: a series of three e-seminars
See also a December 2001 article in Columbia News